
60-year-old Man Killed in Echo Park Hit and Run Crash

Jose Mario Vaquero, a 60-year-old father of three, had been killed in a hit and run car accident in Echo Park. According to a KTLA news report, the crash was reported on the morning of Dec. 19 at the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Douglas Street. Emergency personnel responded and pronounced Vaquero dead at the scene. Vaquero was reportedly headed to work in El Sereno when he was struck. A witness told officials he was going east on Sunset Boulevard when the vehicle struck him, sending Vaquero flying in the air.

The victim was crossing Sunset southbound west of Douglas when he was hit. The vehicle fled the scene. Police are looking for a dark blue vehicle with dark tinted windows. The vehicle will have damage to the front end and windshield, officials said. Police also released a surveillance video showing the car, which was described as a dark blue Accord. The city of Los Angeles automatically posts a $50,000 reward for help leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible in such cases.

We offer our deepest condolences to the family members of Jose Mario Vaquero for their tragic and heartbreaking loss. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

Leaving the Scene of an Accident

Under California law, it is illegal for motorists to leave the scene of a car accident. Under California Vehicle Code Section 20001 (a), drivers are required to stop immediately at the scene of a crash, remain at the scene and wait for officials to arrive. Motorists are also required to exchange pertinent information with other parties and most importantly, render aid to the injured victims. This might be something as simple as calling 911 so the victim can get prompt medical attention. Getting immediate medical attention often makes the difference between life and death in such cases.

Justice for Victims’ Families

Families of hit-and-run victims would be well advised to contact an experienced Los Angeles hit and run lawyer who represents injured victims and families of those who have been killed in these tragic crashes. In such cases, compensation may be available for the victims’ families from the uninsured motorist clause of their auto insurance policy. An experienced lawyer can help families understand how their own auto insurance policy might apply in a case where the hit and run driver has not been found or in a case where the at-fault driver is uninsured or underinsured.

