
70 Men Take On the Boys to Men 100 Wave Challenge

The California personal injury lawyers at Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys are proud to announce the results of Boys to Men 100 Wave Challenge. Surfers picked up their boards and headed to the beach last Saturday in support of a worthy cause. Each one of the 70 participants woke up early to surf in 60-degree water with an ambitious goal of raising $1,000 each by catching 100 waves in 12 hours. Almost all of the surfers meet their goals this year and about 75% completed 100 waves!

The event went great. Surfers were provided with breakfast from the Souplantation, lunch from Rubios, and massages in the afternoon. The group was able to show off their skills, raise money for a great cause, and give a number of passerbys the opportunity to get more information about Boys to Men.

“This event is exactly what we need for Boys to Men,” said Co-founder Craig McClain. “There are so many kids that want to be involved in the Boys to Men retreats but don’t have the money to go.”

What is Boys to Men?

Boys to Men are a non-profit organization that guides boys 13-17 on their journey to manhood. Their mission is to help young men better themselves as they mature into manhood. In one single Boys to Men retreat, boys and their mentors spend more time together than most typical mentor programs provide in six months.

Troubled Teens

A single parent runs more than 40 percent of American families, which is usually a single mother. As young men mature, they often become troubled and lost. Boys to Men offers young men something that most organizations do not, a right of passage. Their weekends challenge them spiritually, physically, and emotionally to help young men transition into adulthood.

How You Can Help

Boys to Men is in need of your help. Donations for the 100 Wave challenge will still be accepted for seven more days. Your generous donation to Boys to Men can make a difference in the life of a troubled young man.