
What To Know Before You Seek Compensation For Your Car Accident

A California personal injury accident can be devastating. It can have a dramatic impact on your health, and earning potential. As a victim of a car accident myself, I know how difficult and overwhelming an accident can be.

If you have been in a car accident and it is someone else’s fault, you are entitled to recover every single penny of your loses. What this means is your medical expenses, pharmacy expenses, therapy expenses, loss of income from work, future loss of income from employment, loss of enjoyment of life, and any other legitimate loss can be recovered.

Any loss that you have had, as well as your actual pain and suffering can be recovered. An experienced California personal injury attorney will help you to recover a fair settlement. The best California car accident lawyers will offer free consultations.

As the senior partner at the personal injury law firm Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys, I have represented thousands of injured accident victims and recovered over 100 million in settlements. If you have been seriously injured in an accident you may want to read my book, “The Seven Fatal Mistakes That Can Wreck Your California Personal Injury Claim.” This book provides information that every accident victim should know.