
John Bisnar – A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

John Bisnar’s new book, “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing,” is your new personal guide to taking back power against large insurance companies. Insurance companies are a huge part of our life and this new book gives you a way to navigate the painful details of insurance coverage and settlements. John has worked in personal injury law for over 30 years, and he’s seen it all.

You can get the book by visiting the Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys website or on Amazon.

John teamed up with 14 other attorneys to produce this new, best-selling book. The attorneys in this book have helped thousands of consumers each year navigate the world of insurance claims. They know the mistakes consumers make, and the tricks insurance companies use to deny or minimize claims. Each one of them truly believes that information is the key to maximizing the benefits to which you are entitled, and to keeping the wolves at bay.

With several other best sellers on John’s shelf already, “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing,” is a wonderful new addition to his collection. A lot of painstaking analysis and research went into this book so that you don’t have to do it.

The information in the book could mean the difference between thousands of dollars in your case with an insurance company. Do yourself a favor and pick up the book in case you’re ever in an accident. Being prepared can make all the difference in the world.