
Multiple Autos Crash In Deadly South L.A Accident

A terrible auto accident involving 6 vehicles at the Crenshaw Boulevard and Florence Avenue intersection Monday evening has killed five people and injured 16, according to a news report in The Los Angeles Times.

Karen Smith, a Los Angeles Police Department spokeswoman stated the collision occurred as a westbound van on Florence hit a speeding van on Crenshaw that had just run a red light. The impact of the crash threw the speeding van that had been speeding into the air and triggered the multiple auto wreck, the news article said.

The extent of the damage caused by the irresponsible and reckless driver who ran the red light was illustrated by the more than 100 firefighters who responded to the car crash and the team of emergency workers who had to section off space for a triage. My heart goes out to all those injured and to the families of those whose lives were lost in this tragedy.

Sadly, when a person behind the wheel chooses to ignore some of the basic laws required to drive a vehicle, the price paid for that action can be enormous. It is not known at the time of this story if the offending driver survived the auto crash. However, if he did, due to the magnitude of this incident he’ll be made to realize the impact of his poor decision in ways he probably could never have imagined.

I hope the families of the accident victims here find the justice they’re looking for. From the news report this appears to be a case of a driver at fault – one who can be held financially and legally responsible for negligent, reckless driving and vehicular manslaughter. I’d like to see every such case result in the responsible drivers being kept off the streets and freeways permanently. The sheer cost for the city and ultimately the taxpayer, in handling the response to these types of incidents should be incentive to make this a reality.

The accident victims and their families would be well served to consult an experienced auto accident attorney as multiple car crashes, by nature, tend to be complex, requiring multiple investigations. A skilled and experienced attorney will know how to sift through the mounds of evidence to arrive at the cause of the accident.