
Simple Steps to Prevent Senior Head Injury

Suffering from a debilitating head injury is a serious threat for seniors today. Since many of our elders would rather live independently, they are more prone to catastrophic injury accidents, leaving many seniors bruised and broken in an attempt to live out their days on their own terms. A very respectable battle, considering the mistreatment that many seniors face once they check into nursing homes, but with an aging body and no one to assist, a recipe for disaster can sometimes boil over. Staying alert and informed so that you or your loved one may recognize a hazardous area or situation could prevent a tragic brain injury.

The most common cause of traumatic brain injury in the elderly are falls (accounting for 61% of all TBIs in adults aged 65 and older). These falls can be very serious. In fact, seniors who fall are 4 to 5 times more likely than any other group to be admitted to a long-term care facility for a year or more.

Top Contributors to Elderly Brain Trauma


Many older people take medications to help them with their multiplying ailments. Using the medications is ok, if prescribed by your doctor, but it is important to recognize those that clearly state drowsiness or dizziness as a natural reaction and take necessary steps to avoid activities that could be dangerous while under the influence.

Visual Impairments

Weakening eyesight may prevent you or your loved one from seeing obstacles. If your eyesight is irreparable by corrective lenses, ask for assistance as much as possible.

Lack of Exercise

In addition to helping people build muscles, lose weight, and stay fit, exercise helps improve balance. Without proper exercise, seniors are more likely to fall and suffer brain damage.

Improper Footwear

Slippers may be comfortable, but they aren’t always the best choice. Footwear should help protect you from slipping and sliding as well as comfort.

Safety Factors in the Home

For example, homes may have uneven surfaces (inside and out), loose rugs and cords should be dealt with as soon as possible.

Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys

If you or a loved one has suffered a serious head injury, call a Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys Los Angeles traumatic brain injury lawyer for a free professional evaluation of your case by attorneys who have represented over 6,000 clients since 1978. You will experience award winning representation and outstanding personal service by a friendly law firm in a comfortable environment.

Call 800-259-6373. The call is free. The advice may be priceless.