
What to Do If You Suffer a Head Injury

Suffering a head injury could be a life-altering event, or a funny story you tell at the office Christmas party, the line that separates the two is thin. Understanding, and being able to implement, the following guidelines may prove to be an invaluable tool if you or a loved one is struck in the head. Due to head injuries being a routine occurrence, it is not unusual for someone who suffers brain trauma to downplay the severity of the situation, increasing the likelihood of permanent damage as a result of non-treatment.

Head injury is a general term used to describe brain trauma but can also incorporate other types of head traumas. A person suffering from a serious head injury could experience contusions (bruising of the brain tissue), a hematoma (blood clot), intracranial hemorrhage (bleeding from the vessels within the brain or its covering), or edema (swelling). Symptoms and effects resulting from head injuries vary and can easily go unnoticed.

Steps to Take to Treat a Head Injury

Determine whether the type of head injury is open or closed.

A closed injury is when the head has experienced trauma, but it is internal and not outwardly apparent. It is most identifiable due to the skull being broken open. If you are dealing with an open injury call 911 immediately.

Talk to the person and check for irregular breathing.

Because a person with head trauma can lose consciousness, obtain information regarding how the accident happened, their identity, emergency contacts, allergies, medical problems and medications taken. One of the most common signs of a serious head injury is irregular breathing.

Keep the person as still as possible.

Conduct a rapid body survey and locate other significant injuries. A serious traumatic brain injury may likely have an associated spinal injuries so you want to take precautions when dealing with the person. If they are unconscious and you are able, stabilize their head in line with their back.

Prevent choking.

After a traumatic brain injury it is not uncommon for victims to vomit and put themselves in danger of choking on their own fluids. Try to move their head, neck, and body as one.

Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys

If you or a loved one has suffered a serious head injury, call a Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys Los Angeles traumatic brain injury lawyer for a free professional evaluation of your case by attorneys who have represented more than 6,000 clients since 1978. You will experience award winning representation and outstanding personal service by a friendly law firm in a comfortable environment.

Call 800-259-6373. The call is free. The advice may be priceless