
Woman Killed in Bakersfield Car Accident Involving Suspected Street Racer

Bianca Danielle Flores, 19, was killed in a car accident in Bakersfield after a car involved in an illegal street race struck her vehicle.

According to a KTLA news report, police said the driver of a Ford Mustang was racing a motorcyclist the evening of Feb. 2 when the Mustang crossed into oncoming traffic and crashed head-on into another vehicle. The Mustang became engulfed in flames and the motorcyclist fled.

Charges Filed Against Driver

The woman driving the vehicle struck by the Mustang, later identified as Flores, died at the scene. Her passenger, a woman, was hospitalized with moderate injuries. A woman in another vehicle suffered minor injuries. The driver of the Mustang, 35-year-old Iqbal Singh, was arrested on suspicion of murder, vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence, engaging in a motor vehicle speed contest, and reckless driving with great bodily injury.

Singh suffered injuries as well and was taken to a hospital. He was to be booked into Kern County Jail after release from the hospital. The investigation is ongoing.

We offer our deepest condolences to the family members of Bianca Danielle Flores for their tragic loss. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. We also wish the injured victims the very best for a quick and full recovery.

Speed and Street-Racing Laws

Based on this news report, it appears that street racing may have been a factor in this fatal crash. Racing on a public roadway California Vehicle Code section 23109 (a) states: “A person shall not engage in a motor vehicle speed contest on a highway. As used in this section, a motor vehicle speed contest includes a motor vehicle race against another vehicle, a clock, or other timing device.”

It is also against the law to operate a vehicle over the speed limit or at an unsafe speed. California Vehicle Code Section 22350 (Basic Speed Law) states: “No person shall drive a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than is reasonable or prudent having due regard for weather, visibility, the traffic and on surface and width of, the highway, and in no event at a speed which endangers the safety of persons or property.”

Protecting Victims’ Rights

In such cases, in addition to facing criminal penalties, drivers who cause accidents while street racing can also be held financially responsible for the injuries, damages, and losses caused. Injured victims can seek compensation for damages including medical expenses, lost income, hospitalization, rehabilitation, pain and suffering, and emotional distress.

Families of deceased victims can seek compensation by filing a wrongful death claim against the at-fault parties. Injured victims can seek compensation for damages including medical expenses, lost income, hospitalization, cost of rehabilitation, pain and suffering, and emotional distress. An experienced California car accident attorney will be able to advise injured victims and their families regarding their legal rights and options.


Source: https://ktla.com/news/local-news/19-year-old-woman-dies-in-car-crash-after-being-struck-by-suspected-street-racer-in-bakersfield-police/