
Woman Killed in San Diego DUI Collision

Cathrine Marie Harless, 63, was killed in a San Diego car accident after, officials say, she was struck by a suspected drunk driver. According to a 10news report, the fatal collision occurred the night of October 2, 2010, when her pickup truck was struck head-on by another pickup truck, which veered into her lane. Harless and her two dogs died at the scene. The crash occurred on Alpine Boulevard near Dunbar Lane, in Alpine. The driver of the other pickup, who has not yet been identified, was also injured. But officials say he is expected to be booked on suspicion of drunk driving.

I offer my deepest condolences to the family and friends of Cathrine Marie Harless for their tragic and heartbreaking loss. Please keep this grieving family in your thoughts and prayers.

Accident Statistics

According to California Highway Patrol’s 2008 Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS), there were 246 fatalities and 13,527 injuries involving car accidents in San Diego County. Of those, 104 deaths and 2,033 injuries occurred as a result of DUI collisions.

California Drunk Driving Laws

Based on this news report, it appears that the driver of the other pickup truck swerved into opposing lanes of traffic, striking Harless’ vehicle. Officials believe he was under the influence. Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs is a serious crime under California law. According to California Vehicle Code Section 23152 (a): “It is unlawful for any person who is under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or drug, or under the combined influence of any alcoholic beverage and drug, to drive a vehicle.” A driver whose act of driving under the influence results in the death of another will likely face vehicular manslaughter charges under California Penal Code Section 191.5 (a).

Protecting Victims’ Rights

In such cases, families of deceased car accident victims would be well-advised to contact an experienced San Diego personal injury lawyer, who will analyze all aspects of the incident and make sure that the negligent parties are held liable. Where negligence or wrongdoing is involved, families of deceased accident victims could file a wrongful death claim seeking damages for medical expenses, funeral costs, lost future income, loss of love and companionship, and other related damages. For more information about the dangers of drunk driving, please visit the Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) web site at

Lost a family member in a San Diego car accident? Want to know your rights? Want to know what your case is worth? Want compensation? Want justice? Want to ensure the same thing doesn’t happen to another family?

Call your best friends in the legal industry after a fatal Alpine car accident. Call 866-310-5252. The call is free. The advice may be priceless.

Call a Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys San Diego wrongful death lawyer, for a free professional evaluation of your rights by attorneys who have been representing families of deceased accident victims since 1978. You will experience award winning representation and outstanding personal service by a compassionate and understanding law firm in a comfortable environment.
Do you believe repeat DUI offenders should lose their driving privilege for the rest of their lives?

The Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys is not representing any of the parties mentioned in this article at the time the article was posted. Our information source is cited in the article. If you were involved in this incident or a similar incident and have questions as to your rights and options, call us or another reputable law firm. Do not act solely upon the information provided herein. Get a consultation. The best law firms will provide a free consultation. We provide a free, confidential consultation to not at fault persons named in this article. The free consultation offer extends to family members as well.