
Zocor Attorneys Pursuing More than Compensation

An estimated 24 million Americans utilize medications to lower their cholesterol. Be careful which one you choose, because some medications may make high cholesterol look like a scrape on the knee compared to the side effects you may experience. The Zocor attorneys at Bisnar and Chase are helping patients recover monetary compensation for the injuries they have sustained from using Zocor, but according to the firm’s head partners, monetary compensation is not the number one priority. John Bisnar says that recovering monetary compensation for your injuries is a given, but changing the way manufacturers construct products is the goal that will save lives.

Bisnar and Chase is a pharmaceutical litigation law firm based in Newport Beach, California. John Bisnar and Brian Chase, head partners, have assisted thousands of victims and obtained hundreds of millions of dollars for their clients. Their most recent outstanding accomplishment was a record-breaking 24.7 million dollar verdict in the summer of 2011.

Zocor Side Effects

Zocor side effects can effect patients in a number of different ways, but the attorneys at Bisnar and Chase are experiencing an increase in inquiries that are reporting the following tyes of side effects.

  • Liver Failure or Damage
  • Abdominal Pains
  • Joint Pain
  • Kidney Problems
  • Jaundice

John and Brian have based their product defect law firm on the premise that manufacturers refuse to properly police themselves into creating products that are safe for their consumers. They believe that for each multi-million dollar verdict or settlement, these manufacturers will spend the necessary time testing and evaluating their products before releasing them on the public.

Can defective drug attorneys change the world for the better? Depends on which side of the lawsuit you are on.

Zocor Lawyers

If you or a loved one has suffered injuries following the use of this defective medication, speaking with a Bisnar and Chase Zocor lawyer is in your best interest. They have sustained a 97.5% success rate for their clients and offer a No Win No Fee Guarantee.

Call 1-800-259-6373 NOW to get the FREE LEGAL ADVICE that you have been searching for.