Brain injuries are amongst the most debilitating injuries that one can receive, and they can be received through a variety of different forces. Brain injuries that happen after birth are categorized as traumatic brain injuries and acquired brain injuries. Victims of severe brain injuries are usually handicapped for life, having to rely on their loved ones to help them do things that you and I might consider second nature.
Victims of brain damage are not completely helpless. Many survivors are able to perform tasks and overcome obstacles that their doctor’s would have thought were impossible under the victim’s circumstance. A positive attitude and a passion to live life to its fullest have proven to be powerful allies for those adjusting to their new lifestyle.
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
If you received brain damage resulting from a head injury, chances are that it would be categorized as a traumatic brain injury. Traumatic brain injuries are usually caused by a direct blow to the head, where the force of the blow can break through the skull and damage the soft brain tissue. This type of TBI can be caused by:
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