Jesus Reyes, 63, was killed in an August 21, 2009 hit-and-run San Bernardino car accident after a driver struck the bike Reyes was riding in Rialto, California. According to a news report in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, Rialto police officials arrested 44-year-old Julio Romero two days after the fatal car crash, on suspicion of felony hit-and-run resulting in death. Romero is suspected of driving the van that hit and killed Reyes near North Acacia Avenue and East Madrona Street. Romero left the scene of the accident, officials said. Police say Romero could face additional criminal charges if he is found to be at fault in the collision.
Police apparently tracked Romero after speaking with his wife, Alejandra Romero. She is the registered owner of the purple 1999 Plymouth Voyager that her husband was driving at the time. The van was found several blocks away from the accident scene with a broken windshield and other damage “consistent with being” in a car accident. Romero reported the following morning that her vehicle was stolen. Police say they will recommend that prosecutors file charges against Alejandra Romero for making a false police report and being an accessory to a crime.
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