Virginia Ramirez, 79, was killed in a Los Angeles car accident after she was struck by two vehicles. According to a CBS news report, the hit-and-run accident occurred the morning of March 17, 2012 near Glenoaks Boulevard and Mercer Street in Pacoima. Ramirez was crossing the street in an unmarked crosswalk when the first vehicle hit her. Officials say that a Latino male got out of his car, looked at the victim lying on the roadway and then got back into his vehicle and drove away. That vehicle has been described as a bright red pickup truck, possibly a Nissan Frontier.
A second vehicle, a white Chevy Mote Carlo then crashed into the woman as she was lying on the roadway. The second driver, only described as a woman, also fled the scene. Anyone with information about these hit-and-run drivers is asked to contact LAPD’s Valley Traffic Division at 818-644-8114.
I offer my deepest condolences to the family members and friends of Virginia Ramirez for their tragic and heartbreaking loss. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
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