Raymundo Pineda Allquisiran, 30, Sandy Patterson, 54, and a 41-year-old male driver of a Nissan coupe were injured in a Santa Ana car accident that occurred after a police chase. According to a news report in The Orange County Register, the head-on crash happened on McFadden Avenue near the Santa Ana River Trail, the morning of March 2, 2012. Officials had apparently noticed something suspicious about the two male occupants of a Cadillac Escalade and attempted to pull the vehicle over. Allquisiran, the driver of the Escalade fled, driving through stop signs, before crossing into oncoming traffic and striking the Nissan.
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Dog Bite Accident Facts: Buyers Beware
You have probably owned a dog at some point or have family or friends with dogs. They are the most popular household pet in America, with 78.2 million of them living in homes throughout the nation. This means that 39 percent of Americans own at least one dog. There is a good reason for these numbers: dogs really are “man’s best friend,” and no other pet comes close to the love and companionship a good dog brings to its owners.
On the other hand, with pet ownership also comes responsibility. Unfortunately, some owners are lax about taking care of their dogs, and this can lead to serious dog bite problems. Dog bites are one of the most common reasons for emergency room visits, and every year dog attacks turn fatal for a few unlucky victims.
While the majority of dog bites are not fatal, the statistics are still grim. Every year, an average of 30 people die from fatal dog attacks. Furthermore, many of these fatal attacks are committed by a handful of dog breeds, including Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, and wolf hybrids. However, any dog will bite if provoked, and smaller dogs account for dozens of hospital visits every day for stitches in fingers or faces after a “lap dog” has snapped or bitten a victim.
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Downey Nursing Home Fined for Negligence Following Patient’s Death
A Downey care facility is being fined after state officials determined that the Los Angeles nursing home was negligent in its care for an elderly patient who eventually went into a diabetic coma and died. According to a news report in The Press-Telegram, the California Department of Public Health fined the Downey Rehabilitation Care Center $80,000 and issued the most severe AA citation. Officials say inadequate care led to the patient’s death in 2010. If the nursing home receives another AA citation over the next two years, it could lose its license. The nursing home has appealed the citation and fine.
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Warning on Bard Avaulta Transvaginal Mesh/Sling Products
There are some health problems that may occur later in life as a result of child birth. Pelvic organ prolapse is one such problem. It occurs when the pelvic muscles become weak or damaged either because of injury or due to old age and the muscles cannot adequately support the pelvic organs any longer. It is estimated that half of women who have children will suffer from some form of prolapse at some point in their lives and that while the condition itself is not serious or life-threatening, it can still cause a great deal of distress to the patient and ought to be treated.
One such treatment method is a surgical procedure in which a device known as a transvaginal mesh is inserted to help treat the problem; sometimes the device is referred to as a sling. The procedure is still fairly novel and new materials are frequently used by companies trying to develop new designs for the product. Slings and meshes have been promoted as an excellent treatment option for women suffering from some degree of prolapse. One company that makes transvaginal meshes is Bard Avaulta. Their product has been used to treat incontinence and other problems associated with a prolapse. However, there have been problems and now the company and its products have opened their doors for lawsuits by pharmaceutical litigation lawyersPasadena speed traps.
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Yaz Recall Update
The oral contraceptive Yaz, produced by the Bayer Pharmaceuticals Co., was considered highly effective in preventing unwanted pregnancy, as well as treating moderate acne disease and reducing the symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome.
However, Yaz recall attorneys there are numerous side effects associated with Yaz, some of which can be life-threatening. Among the Yaz side effects commonly reported by women taking Yaz, the following ones are the most frequent:
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Elderly Bicyclist Killed in Huntington Beach Car Accident
Ernest Klein, 79, of Westminster was killed in a Huntington Beach car accident after a car struck his bicycle, the morning of February 29, 2012. According to a news report in The Orange County Register, the fatal bicycle accident occurred on Bolsa Avenue near Able Lane. Police say Klein was riding his bike east on Bolsa when a 2009 BMW sedan hit him. Klein was transported to an area trauma center where he died from his injuries. The driver of the BMW, a 23-year-old Long Beach man, has not been arrested or cited pending the official investigation. Anyone with information is asked to contact Huntington Beach police at 714-536-5670.
I offer my deepest condolences to the family members and friends of Ernest Klein for their tragic loss. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
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Rancho Santa Margarita Car Accident Causes Injuries
A man was injured in an Orange County car accident after two cars collided at an intersection, the morning of February 28, 2012. According to a news report in The Orange County Register, the injury crash occurred at the intersection of Santa Margarita Parkway and Buena Suerte in Rancho Santa Margarita. Officials say one of the vehicles was turning left at the time of the crash. One man was transported to a nearby hospital with unknown injuries. It is not clear if either driver will be cited for the crash.
My thoughts and prayers are with the man who has been injured in this Orange County crash. I wish the victim the very best for a complete and speedy recovery.
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Elderly Pedestrian Killed in Huntington Beach Car Accident
Leslie Cushing, 77, was killed in a Huntington Beach car accident after a vehicle hit him as he crossed a busy thoroughfare. According to a news report in The Orange County Register, the fatal pedestrian accident occurred the evening of February 27, 2012 near the intersection of Beach Boulevard and Indianapolis Avenue. Police say Cushing was crossing Beach Boulevard in front of a McDonald’s restaurant, north of Indianapolis Avenue, at the time. Officials also say there is no crosswalk in that portion of the roadway, and that it was dark and raining. The driver remained at the scene. No arrests have been made pending an official investigation.
I offer my deepest condolences to the family members and friends of Leslie Cushing for their tragic loss. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
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Woman Killed in San Diego Car Accident
A 62-year-old woman was fatally injured in a San Diego car accident after a vehicle struck her as she crossed the street. According to the San Diego Medical Examiner’s report, the pedestrian accident occurred at the intersection of Reynard Way and Redwood Street in the Middletown area of San Diego, the evening of February 25, 2012.
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Portable Toilet on Roadway Causes Garden Grove Car Accident
One person was injured in a Garden Grove car accident, which officials say was caused by roadway debris. According to a news report in The Orange County Register, the rollover accident occurred in the eastbound lanes of the 22 Freeway at the Goldenwest and Knott streets exit in Garden Grove, the morning of February 23, 2012. The driver of a Toyota 4Runner lost control when he attempted to avoid a portable toilet that was present on the roadway. The victim suffered non-life-threatening injuries as the SUV overturned. It is not clear who dropped the portable toilet on the roadway.
My thoughts and prayers are with the injured victim of this Orange County accident. I wish the victim the very best for a complete and speedy recovery.
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